Journey of the job hunter - Part 3
Another week, another challenge.
How do you sell yourself, your achievement, something you are good at, something you are proud of without sounding too much, too cocky, too boastful?
I am yet to master to technique to be humble yet shine through, to only sound matter-of-factly yet the success can be heard between the lines.
Journey of the job hunter - Part 2
This process gets you to recognize yourself thoroughly, because even the most cliche of questions, gets you to dig deep inside yourself:
- what's your strength
- what're your weaknesses
- tell about yourself in a nutshell
n it drives me crazy to realize the one core thing about myself: procrastinator, through n through
(in other word: just plain lazy?)
cleverly, it hides between the wave of endless house chores, family responsibility like taking mom to shop, or babysit my nephew..
but no matter how busy i think i am, i can't deny it much longer... i still have not done those ones in the top left hand box of priorities that read: important n urgent.
Well honey, you could kiss that MBA dream goodbye.
My plan for the night
I've becoming more n more like a geek
Not that I mind... this 8th wonder of the world called the internet never fail to amaze me again n again...
I should probably kiss the guys at Apple who keep updating iTunes store with the coolest stuff, and provide a lot of them at no cost!
So, it's gonna be a night full with downloads from 1 am onwards tonight, to fill this borrowed laptop hard disk with free stuff from iTunes U. My pick so far:
- Randy Pausch : Time Management
- Steve Jobs: Most Recent View to the Future
- Thomas L. Friedman: The World is Flat 3.0
- Oreo Cookies with Milk Painting, part 1
it sure gonna be fun!
Journey of the job hunter - Part 1
So, what is one of the hardest question I find so far?
What makes you special?And it takes me quite a while to come up with a good answer.
I realise now that I'm not really good in selling myself on paper.
I have a few thesises to explain this phenomenon:
One :I'm too humble, I don't really see my achievement as real achievement
Two: I'm just too dumb to recognize an achievement I made
Three: I just don't like myself that much that I never praise myself, like a father who wished his child to be a doctor and when she 'only' became an Account Manager, nothing seems to be good in his eyes.
Thank God I'm the only one treating myself like that.