Murphy's Law - bener bgt!
e.g. customer yg mau beli traveller's chq tadi...
1. nunggu buka save - gue musti muter ke lunch room dulu krn combo punya gue misplace, musti minta ke scott dulu...
2. save kebuka, t/chq yg ada di daftar ngga ada di dlm kotaknya somehow, entah si murray taro di mana...
3. akhirnya ngambil t/chq no yg lain, dgn maksud yg di komputer yg bakal di-alter, ternyata t/chq yg gue ambil tdk terdaftar di system, krn stuffed up a few weeks ago yg blon dibenerin, jadi ngga bisa dimasukin ke system....& ngga bisa ngasih t/chq lain yg terdaftar di system, krn ngga cukup...
& setelah all this thing yg menghabiskan at least 1/2 an hour of the customer's time, gue terpaksa sent him to another branch, moga2 the Law ngga berlanjut di sana....
3.16 am at dawn
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
collection of random words on some random nights
About Me
- Name: kupattahu
a complicated human being that needs a place to pour her heart out while wishing of becoming a good writer someday...somehow...
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- a call to word
- "I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the ...
- the new era
- Old notes on my phone
- you know all those so-called self-help books?
- wishes list
- The sums of all my prayers
- I hope someday I'll be able to say that I am that ...
- tidur
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