Tuesday, February 26, 2002

ahhhh akhirnya selesai juga baca novel ini.... baru kali ini gue baca novel merasa tersiksa, saking ngga sukanya hehehe... tp tetep harus gue abisin memang, kalo ngga penasaran juga.... aneh rasanya kalo punya buku & blon dibaca abis....
bener2 deh ini novel, bekennya pasti cuma gara2 topiknya, soal chinese girls yg dateng ke spore buat secure PR dgn cara menggoda pria2 spore dgn segala macam cara...
jalan ceritanya datar2 aja.... ceritanya sendiri nothing special, pretty much ketebak.... terlalu byk faktor kebetulan..... sok2 berfilosofi dgn gagak/crows, pdhal kosong gitu... ngga ada artinya.... endingnya bluwehhh... 'cuma gini nih??'
pengarangnya terlalu pede, pake ada postnote segala, trus potonya ada di 4 sisi sampul =P, berharap zhang zi yi yg maen jadi si Helen di filem (untung ngga!!!!)
the only thing yg ngga bisa gue komentarin adalah bahasanya, soalnya ini terjemahan dr bhs chinese....

di postnotenya dia bilang, kalo pada dasarnya semua cewe adalah prostitute, bhw kita ngga lebih bersih drpd pelacur2, semua cw itu dirty.......
excuseeee meeeeee...... dangkal bgt sih otaknya..... sorry kalo sounds arrogant, tp gue sih ngga mau disamakan sama pelacur, biar gimana juga, adalah bedanya.... memang ada aja cw yg biarpun bukan ber-profesi pelacur, tp slut juga, & ada aja prostitute yg insidenya ngga se-bitch their outer appearance (spt Heather Graham di From Hell =D) , tp kita semua as cw in general ngga naturenya menjual diri dong!
trus, dia juga pake acara menenangkan wanita2 spore, bilang kalo the Dragon Girls (sebutan cw2 cina ini) would never be a match for you... ????? jadi dia mengakui nih kalo the Dragon girls itu lebih rendah drpd cw2 spore? bukannya katanya kita pada prinsipnya sama semua? ah tau deh, gue bete bgt sama ini pengarang satu hehehe...... =P

Friday, February 22, 2002

---ngantuk & iseng------
browsing2 kontak jodoh Kompas hehehe... masa data2 diri termasuk suku/etnis & penghasilan???????
jadi kalo gue yg masukin, harus jwb Cina biarpun ngga bisa ngomong cina dikit juga?
penghasilan = 10 juta hahahaha.... di indo kesannya direktur, di sini sih setingkat cleaning service.....
jadi inget, kalo daftar UMPTN juga ditanya suku/etnis, dulu gue sempet bertekad bakal ngaku2 makassar campur londo, kan tampang ngga cina, kulit gelap, nama bule huehuehuehue....
oh trus dlm profile itu termasuk 'jenis hubungan' (yg rata2 dijwb pacar) ..... pdhal dlm otak gue munculnya: monogami?, poligami? sesama jenis? ... & status yg JELAS2 pasti dijawab 'perjaka' & 'gadis' ... ada gitu yg bakal ngejawab ' bukan perawan lagi loh mas, tapi pengalaman dijamin memuaskan ;) ' hehehehe....

satu contoh diskriminasi lain:
lowongan casting sinetron KSATRIA CAHAYA GARUDA
e.g: Andri Purnawan
>Usia: 19 - 25 Tahun
>Tinggi: 170 - 180 cm
>. Postur tubuh sedang, atletis tapi tidak terlalu
>. Kulit berwarna terang.
>. Wajah Indo / campuran dan/atau babyface adalah suatu
>nilai tambah.
Menguasai olah raga bela diri atau senam adalah
>suatu nilai tambah.

semua daftar pemeran utamanya require that one-sentenced element... except one:
Kapol Sastra
>Usia: 40 - 55 Tahun
>Tinggi: 160 - 190 cm
>. Postur tubuh agak gemuk
>Ekspresi wajah keras namun berwibawa dan ke-bapak-an.

huahuahuaua.... berarti gue boleh daftar dong yah, wajah: campuran cina & Indonesia hihihi....

Thursday, February 21, 2002

jeles kamu ceritanya sama orang lain.ngobrolnya sama orang lain. becandanya sama orang lain. ketawa-ketiwinya sama orang lain. ngga sebel sama orang lain. ngga juga sama kamu. namanya cuma cemburu. soalnya cinta bisa bikin egois. maunya kamu sama gue ajah.

yesterday's phenomenon:
20.02 (pm) on 20th Feb 2002..... only happened once before, about a thousand years ago, when probably people did not have time definition yet, 10.01 on 10/01/1001... never to be repeated again in the future....
gue lagi ngapain yah at that very minute? lagi bobo di depan tivi most probably... ato...lagi masak pasta buat lunch....

yah biarpun not exactly as perfect as the number 2002, taun depan masih ada 20.03 (pm) on 20th March 2003, atau taun depannya lagi 20.04, 20/04/2004 & taun2 berikutnya....

Monday, February 18, 2002


need to throw away my thoughts about going back for a while, as far as i can (to Mars maybe?)...... i guess it is my destiny to stay here for good *sigh*....
don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I even have my long term plan fix in this country... it is, after all, one of the place I call home.....
I just have a craving to taste what it's like to be back to my homeland.... with all its raining stone and acid rain ... =)
but if it will cost a heartache to my parents, would I do it? No... that's my definite answer =(
no matter how sad or angry I feel, it is nothing compare to what they feel, I realise that....

please grow up, you little girl... it's time to face the world.... which was supposed to have happened a long time ago, ... but instead, I kept holding on my mom's dress, standing behind her, taking a peek once in a while, and refusing to accept reality.....

I have my problem, my challenge, my obstacle, my pain, my tears, my helplessness.....but they're just Thumbelinas standing besides my father's burden, troubles, predicament, grief, stress, anger, desperation....
the only way to show him how i truly love him, how i never forget how he deeply loves me, for now... is to stay

--- suppose to be an entry a few days ago ----
words from a friend: don't be sad because it's over, [but rather] be glad because it happened....

Thursday, February 14, 2002

sms of the day: it spreads like infection but needs no medicine, water cannot wash it away and dirt cannot spoil it. It is love.

It's probably sms too.... yg pasti sih it spreads like infection today.... with Optus, free 100 sms between 7-10 am on this valentine's day......
someone's got flower in the office... i finally managed to get rosesonly to deliver the roses to the right recipient, thumbs up for their customer service!
i got CD with red hearts from my 'date', what a cutie =) got melting chocolates as well hahahha... =)
watched the swing patrol on southgate, how i really really really want to be able to join them! decided, that's my (chinese) new year resolution then!
finished the day with someone's blog & e-mail..........the feeling, the warmth, the smile that happened afterwards.... semua ditujukan cuma buat kamu.....
Happy Valentine's day too, love....

Friday, February 08, 2002

to lead a better life
i need my love to be here
here, making each day of the year
knowing that love is to share
each one believing that love never dies
watching her eyes
and hoping I'm always there
to be there and everywhere
here, there and everywhere

by The Beatles ?

remind me of someone yg suka milih lagu The Beatles kalo lagi karaoke... =)

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

pus.. gue suka the way kamu manja sama gue..... the way kamu bikin gue malu dgn bersikap atau berkata mesra in public =)....
the way you said good night (mau sejelek apa juga!!).... & terutama gue suka kamu sebagai kamu, the whole body & soul... and that's why i want you...
with love (and lust ;))....me...

back to my ancient problem... pulang ato tidak pulang......
justru saat jkt lagi banjir2 heboh gini, keinginan pulang gue jadi lebih besar.... denger2 cerita soal alumni2 sanur yg heboh organise bantuan2, gue jadi kepingin ikutan....inget masa2 prakar dulu...
padahal in a long term gue ngga bakal tinggal di indo sih kayaknya... bangsat juga, lari dr negara sendiri..... tp selagi gue bisa, pengen sih ikutan nolong, ngerasain & liat gimana bangsa gue byk yg menderita..... asal jgn tiba2 gue terpanggil utk dedicate my whole life heheheh... which is ngga mungkin sih kayaknya melihat gue yg matre ini..... terlalu hedonis....